I’m going to be honest and share something, so don’t make fun of me. I recently have acquired a deep appreciation and moderate addiction to the foreign cuisine establishment known as the Chinese buffet. So much so that last week I ate at the same place 5 straight days in a row. I realize that this may be extreme, but I consider myself somewhat of a food connoisseur and when it’s good, I eat it like there’s no tomorrow [side thought: Will we be fat in Heaven?].
So why is Chinese food so addictive? Here’s where my brother comes in. Jason told me that Japanese scientists have accepted a “fifth taste” (the basic four tastes being sweet, salty, bitter, and sour). I did some research and found that the word they use for this is called “umami”. Food items that are said to have umami are mushrooms, tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, and a few others. Chemically speaking, umami foods contain glutamate, an amino acid. Did you know that we have certain receptors on our tongue that distinctly pick up glutamate and related compounds? Some glutamate-rich foods are seaweed and mushrooms, which are widely used in foreign cooking. This separate taste was later isolated and discovered as monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, a word that I am sure is familiar to you.
MSG was introduced to the US in the 1950’s by the name of “Accent”, and was widely popular. Guess what other foods contain this addicting flavor additive: soups, chips, macaroni (my cat’s name) and cheese, and fast food. Now you know why these things are so addictive! And that’s why I ate at Dynasty Buffet for five days in a row. There was a void in my stomach that needed to be filled, and other foods could not satisfy or compare.
Did you know that we have a void in our souls that needs to be filled with Jesus Christ? People commit to so many hobbies, addictions, or even people, in order to be satisfied with life. These things may be fun, amusing, and even pleasurable, but they just don’t add up to the true satisfaction of knowing our Savior. We see it so many times with celebrities: they have millions of dollars and are well known around the whole world. They are living the American Dream, with everything at their fingertips, yet many are not satisfied. There is still something missing. Henrietta Mears writes that the book of Ecclesiastes is “the soul’s autobiography or the book of experience”. It doesn’t take long to see that the writer of this book (Solomon) had everything at his command, but found it all to be meaningless. Read the last couple sentences of Ecclesiastes:
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
Paul writes in Philippians 3 that he wants to “know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings”. We have a god that loves us so much that He gave his life so that we may live with God forever. If you have ever wondered if there is more to life than schedules, sports, money, fame, and temporary highs, let me assure you that there is. Allow Jesus to come in to your life, and you will very soon experience how “addicting” worship and fellowship with Jesus can be.
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.
What The Bible Is All About- Henrietta Mears
www.Dictionary.com (I didn’t know how to spell “connoisseur”)